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Are you a candidate for dental implants?

August 4th, 2014

When you are missing teeth, it is critical to replace them. Without all your teeth, chewing and eating can be challenging, as well as uncomfortable. Missing teeth can also destabilize your bite. Dental implants are a great option for replacing teeth that are missing or are badly diseased. A dental implant at Weaver Dentistry offers relief, support, and stability to your bite, and often, implants are the most natural and effective option available.

Dr. Gregory Weaver and our team have helped many patients using implant dentistry at our Raleigh, NC office restore their smiles to look more natural. Each implant is created to fit in perfectly with the look of the rest of your teeth.

Besides making your smile appear more natural, dental implants have other benefits. They include:

  • Restoring your ability to properly chew food
  • Preventing your teeth from shifting and moving
  • Stabilizing your bite, helping you avoid pain or discomfort

If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth and feel like you are a candidate for dental implants, Dr. Gregory Weaver and our team at Weaver Dentistry encourage you to give us a call to schedule an appointment. See you soon!

How is TMD treated?

July 28th, 2014

If you’ve been experiencing headaches, dizziness, or tingling in your fingers, you might be surprised to learn that the source of the problem could be your jaw. These are some of the complaints from patients who suffer a condition known as temporomandibular disorder, or TMD.

What exactly is TMD?

If you’ve heard of TMJ, you might have wondered if it is the same condition as TMD. They are different, although there’s a link between them.

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint. The TMJ is made up of two sets of joints that enable your jawbone to slide and rotate. When at least one of these joints develops an inflammation and becomes painful, the resulting condition is called TMD.

What Patients Experience

Patients can experience many different symptoms, including:

  • Soreness or discomfort in the jaw, especially in the morning or late afternoon
  • Pain radiating to your face, shoulder, neck, back, or behind your eyes
  • Ringing in your ears or an earache
  • Jaw locking, popping, or clicking
  • Limited mouth motions
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • A different fit between your upper and lower teeth

How it’s Treated

Using patented TruDenta® technology, Dr. Gregory Weaver will measure the opening and closing of your mouth to determine the forces generating pressure in your head, neck and jaw. Other important factors are the extent of the disorder, the expected course of the condition, and how well you’re able to tolerate certain therapies. Your opinion and your preferences should always be part of any TMD treatment decision.

Our team at Weaver Dentistry can suggest many treatment options, starting with the most conservative:

  • Resting the TMJ
  • Use of stress management and relaxation techniques
  • Therapy to reduce clenching your teeth
  • Physical therapy
  • Mouthguard or other type of oral device
  • Posture training
  • Changing your diet to give jaw muscles a rest
  • Applying ice and hot packs
  • Surgery

To learn more about temporomandibular disorders, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gregory Weaver, please give us a call at our convenient Raleigh, NC office!

Who benefits from Invisalign®?

July 21st, 2014

One problem with trying to answer the question as to who benefits from Invisalign is that the simple answer is “almost everyone.” The see-through, almost invisible aligners for straightening teeth are specifically molded to fit each individual’s mouth. Unlike conventional braces, they can be removed when eating and when cleaning the teeth. Because they use less force in straightening teeth than metal braces, the risk of harm to teeth is lessened.

Benefits to adults

Traditional braces are associated with children and teenagers. Many adults want to have their teeth straightened but cannot decide which is worse: having crooked teeth or wearing metal braces. They also worry about having to change their diet by not being able to eat the foods they normally enjoy.

If you are an adult considering braces, our team at Weaver Dentistry will tell you Invisalign aligners will give you the best of all worlds. Your teeth will be straightened with virtually invisible braces. You can remove your aligners when you eat so you can enjoy any food you normally would consume. You do not have to worry about embarrassing yourself by getting food stuck in your braces. You simply clean your teeth normally after eating and replace your aligners. If there is a special occasion during which you do not want to have any braces at all, you can remove the aligners for a few hours without causing any damage.

Benefits to teenagers

Dr. Gregory Weaver and our team know that teenagers are often involved in contact sports or gymnastics. Others find that having metal in their mouth interferes with their ability to play a musical instrument. Traditional metal braces contain wires and brackets that can cause damage to the mouth and gums; this is not a risk with Invisalign aligners.

For sports that require players to wear mouthguards, the expense of specially constructed mouthguards to fit over braces is avoided. The aligners can be removed during sports activity, and a normal mouthguard is worn. Teenagers who play musical instruments simply remove the aligners when practicing or playing in the band or orchestra.

Teenagers often feel they are too busy to spend time and trouble flossing teeth between the wires and brackets of traditional braces. Since the Invisalign aligners are removable, brushing and flossing are simpler and more likely to be performed.

For more information about Invisalign or Invisalign Teen, or to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Gregory Weaver, please give us a call at our convenient Raleigh, NC office!

The Clear Benefits of Invisalign®

July 14th, 2014

Straighter teeth is something many people desire. A nice smile is one of the most attractive things about a person. However, wearing a mouth full of braces for two, three, or more years can be a major pain, both literally and figuratively.

Luckily, there is another option. Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces. Learn more about the benefits Invisalign offers and why you should consider this exciting method of straightening teeth.

  • When you have straight teeth, your mouth is healthier in general and there is less chance of tooth decay and gum disease. Invisalign makes it possible for more people to straighten their teeth.
  • Invisalign is essentially invisible. You can straighten your teeth without unsightly metal in your mouth.
  • The average cost is similar to that of traditional braces, which makes it affordable for many families.
  • With Invisalign, the aligner trays are smooth and comfortable to wear. Traditional metal braces can be uncomfortable and cause irritation to the mouth.
  • Invisalign is removable, so you do not have to wear the system during special occasions, or when you’re eating. With normal metal braces, you are stuck with them for the entire straightening process.
  • Brushing and flossing are simple. Since the system is removable, you can brush and floss just like normal.

As you can see, Invisalign is an exciting option we provide at Weaver Dentistry for those who want straighter teeth. If this is something that sounds interesting to you, talk to Dr. Gregory Weaver and find out if it would work for your particular situation. Get started today, and before you know it you will be enjoying your straighter teeth.

For more information about Invisalign, or to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Gregory Weaver, please give us a call at our convenient Raleigh, NC office today!

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